Kentucky Ecuador Partners will be hosting a performance of the Quitumbe Ballet and Orchestra on Sunday September 6 at 4p.m The performance will take place at the Lexington Central Library, 140 East Main Street and is free.
The Quitumbe Andean Ballet and Symphonic Band were born as an extracurricular school workshop and were made possible by the close collaboration of the “Quitumbina family.” Quitumbe Andean Ballet’s repertoire rests on traditional Ecuadorian dance. Rooted in history, social content and cultural identity, its ethno-contemporary choreographies showcase the artistry of young dancers from the Quitumbe School of Southern Quito. This program is intended to give a small glimpse of Ecuador’s rich tradition of music and dance filled festivals. The audience will be treated to dances native to Ecuador, Latin America and the world.
There will be an opportunity to shop for Ecuadorian made crafts, clothing, pottery and jewelry at a booth hosted by Kentucky Ecuador Partners.
Because this is a holiday weekend, we’re concerned about attendance. These young people have traveled a long way to entertain us; let’s not disappoint them with a small audience. We everyone to join us and ask that you invite others.
The Quitumbe Dancers and Symphonic Band are brought here through cooperation with Sister Cities Louisville-Quito, Indiana University Southeast, and the University of Kentucky Office of International Affairs.
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